Working for the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs of the Solomon Islands, Dr Anouk Ride collaborated with local researchers on the first social marketing research about attitudes to violence against women and girls to be conducted in the Pacific Islands region. The pilot study details the most appropriate messages to stop violence against women and girls and how is best to deliver anti-violence messages. The research was conducted with women who have experienced violence, men who have perpetrated violence and are in prison, and male, female and youth representatives from different communities (in Guadalcanal, Malaita and Temotu provinces).
The research is intended to have a practical use – to increase the effectiveness of messages and communications materials, activities and events that the various government, church, women’s organisations, INGOs and refuge services conduct and/or to stimulate new actions that can lead to social change. A review of the previous violence against women policy (2010-2015) found that “greater coordination is required for key messaging” particularly for awareness raising about violence and the Family Protection Act and this research is intended to inform such joint efforts[i].
The report was commissioned by the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) with funding support by Oxfam Australia as part of the Safe Families Fund, an initiative funded by the Australian Aid Program aimed at eliminating violence against women in the Solomon Islands.
[i] Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs. (2017). National Policy to Eliminate Violence Against Women and Girls 2016-2020 Solomon Islands. Honiara: Solomon Islands Government. pp: 10.
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