UNDP commissioned a national report, Status of Youth in Solomon Islands, which was drafted by Dr Anouk Ride in 2017. The report and its recommendations is currently undergoing revision following feedback from the National Youth Forum in February and a Stakeholders Consultation in May and is due to be released later this year.
This report is an activity of the United Nations Development Programme under the Supporting Peaceful and Inclusive Transition in Solomon Islands Project.
Kind thanks are provided to all the agencies which provided information to the researcher including Ministry of National Unity, Peace and Reconciliation, Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs, Guadalcanal and Malaita Provincial Governments, Honiara City Council, Royal Solomon Islands Police Force, Solomon Islands Development Trust, Save the Children, World Vision, Youth at Work, Consultant Dr Jimmie Rogers and various church and chief representatives and participants at the National Youth Forum February 2017.
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